All Are One


Psalm 72:12-13

For he rescues the poor when they cry out, the oppressed who have no one to help. He shows pity to the needy and the poor and saves the lives of the poor.

When it comes to all those running for political office…how many do you ever hear voicing their support for the poor? If you pay attention to the media today you will be hard-pressed to find anyone who is championing the cause of the poor, the outcast, and the people on the fringes of society. Jesus did. He said whatever we do for the least of these (those counted as nothing by society)…we do for Him (Matthew 25:40). This is what is required to take part in the “reign of God” as Jesus puts it…or the “kingdom of God.” Each of us has to ask ourselves these questions: How am I rescuing the poor when they cry out and the oppressed who have no one to help? How does God want to accomplish this…with me?

Listen to the song of the day “You’ll Lead Me” by clicking HERE.

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Remember…God loves you!

About billtonnis

Child of God, Pastoral Minister, Chaplain, Music Minister, Jail Minister, singer-songwriter, author, activist, former radio news anchor, imperfect follower of Jesus inspired by God's unconditional love, proud uncle... what else is there?
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2 Responses to All Are One

  1. Bill, I’m pretty sure you’ve inspired me to look out for others. Maybe all of us little people can be a role model for those who are “in charge” of the world.

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