Reign of God


May you share your gifts and talents for the sake of love.


1 Peter 4:10

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.


As our Creator gives each of us special talents and abilities…we are meant to use them for the purpose of love and goodness.

What a wonderful world we would have…if only everyone took this to heart!

For those who are Christians…they are supposed to be following Jesus…which requires serving others.

The natural inclination is to serve ourselveseach of us looking out at the world as if we are the center of the universe.

What’s in it for me?

But at some point…our egocentric “it’s-all-about-me” world comes crashing down. It may be due to illness or a great loss.

Many times it is only in our brokenness when we are able to experience the unconditional love, mercy, forgiveness and compassion of God.

It is total gift…freely given to us without any merit of our own. We know we did nothing to deserve it!

Feel this Unconditional Love for you in this moment. Let it wash over you.

Now…what is your gift or talent…freely given to you by God…that you can use to extend that same compassion to someone in need?


Listen to the song of the day “Shall We Sing” by clicking HERE.

Sample and/or purchase my songs by clicking HERE.

CD’s available for purchase at by clicking HERE.

Remember…God loves you!


About billtonnis

Child of God, Pastoral Minister, Chaplain, Music Minister, Jail Minister, singer-songwriter, author, activist, former radio news anchor, imperfect follower of Jesus inspired by God's unconditional love, proud uncle... what else is there?
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