Reign of God


What if we all lived to share unconditional love with the world?

(Listen to my song “Glorify You with Me” by clicking HERE)


1 Corinthians 12:27-28

Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it. Some people God has designated in the church to be, first, apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers; then, mighty deeds; then, gifts of healing, assistance, administration, and varieties of tongues.


Each of our lives is meant to be lived-out as a part of the “body of Christ.”

Our lives are part of a bigger picture…a Bigger Dream that continues to unfold.

Our Creator’s masterpiece is in progress…and we are part of it.

When you are consciously aware of being connected to flow of Love…you will find peace. You will also find God…and your true self in the process.

When you live from this place of oneness with Love…you will quite naturally want to share the Good News with all creation.

How will you do that…using the talents and abilities you’ve been given? Under which of the designations written by St. Paul above do you fit?

Finding your place in the body of Christ is life’s great adventure!

How are you being called to bring the kingdom of God alive in this place and time?

How are you being called to work for justice with compassion and kindness?

Now is the time!


Listen to the song of the day “Glorify You with Me” by clicking HERE.

Sample and/or purchase my songs by clicking HERE.

CD’s  available for purchase at by clicking HERE.

Remember…God loves you!

About billtonnis

Child of God, Pastoral Minister, Chaplain, Music Minister, Jail Minister, singer-songwriter, author, activist, former radio news anchor, imperfect follower of Jesus inspired by God's unconditional love, proud uncle... what else is there?
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